There were more than 245,000 traffic crashes in Michigan during 2020, and nearly 20% of them left people injured or dead. If someone failed to exercise their duty of care on the roadway and caused a car accident, their victims and their families have the right to seek compensation.

Those who turn to Detroit Legal Group PLLC find attorneys willing to negotiate with insurance companies, but more than willing to go to court when companies fail to offer fair compensation for the damages our clients deserve. We provide uncompromising representation to hundreds of car accident victims and their families in Detroit, Southfield, Warren, Dearborn, and throughout the State of Michigan.



Who Is Liable for Car Accidents in Michigan?

Just because Michigan is a “no-fault” state for auto insurance does not mean someone was not at fault for a car crash. Few are purely accidental. In most cases, someone did—or failed to do— something they should have to keep others on the roadway safe.

No-fault auto insurance helps pay for medical treatment, lost income, and other economic damages the policyholder incurs following a car wreck. You cannot recover noneconomic damages, such as pain and suffering. In Michigan, every auto owner is required to have a policy with personal injury protection (PIP) as well as liability coverage should their negligence injure someone else.

If you have been in a car wreck, you file a claim for the benefits under your own PIP coverage first, no matter who was at fault. However, if you suffer serious injuries or impairment, serious permanent disfigurement, or death, you or your survivors can file a third-party insurance claim against the at-fault driver’s policy or file a personal injury lawsuit or wrongful death action against them in court. In a third-party claim or lawsuit, you may recover economic and noneconomic damages.

You can also file a third-party claim if the driver at fault was not driving a vehicle registered in Michigan, or if you were injured in an accident in another state.

Which Michigan Laws Affect Personal Injury Claims?

There are two key state laws relevant to personal injury and wrongful death claims:

First, Michigan observes a modified comparative fault rule which allows fault to be assigned to more than one person. Any compensation offered in settlement or awarded by a jury would be reduced by any percentage of fault assigned to you. As an example, if the other driver was assigned 90% fault and you were assigned 10% fault, your compensation would be reduced by 10%.

The statute of limitations, which is the time you have to settle a claim or file a lawsuit, is also important. Failure to abide by the statute will bar you from seeking recovery. In Michigan, the statute of limitations is three years from the date of the accident or from the date of death from the injuries sustained.

Fierce & Compassionate Advocacy

In many personal injury and wrongful death claims, negotiations with insurance companies may yield a fair offer of compensation in full and final settlement of the claim. Insurance companies, however, are motivated by paying as little as possible. When their settlement offers fall short, we encourage our clients to file a lawsuit to let a judge and jury decide.

Unlike many other law firms, the attorneys at Detroit Legal Group PLLC thrive in the courtroom. We are trial lawyers, prepared to seek justice for our clients inside the courtroom and out. Your life, or your loved one’s life, should not be discounted by an insurance company.


In the blink of an eye, a negligent driver can change your life forever. At Detroit Legal Group PLLC, we cannot change what happened, but we can make a difference in what happens next. If you have been injured in a car crash or a loved one has been incapacitated or killed, we should talk. We charge nothing for a one-on-one conversation, so reach out to us today.